Milk is a nutrient-rich liquid food produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals, including breastfed human infants before they are able to digest solid food. Early-lactation milk is called colostrum, which contains antibodies that strengthen the immune system and thus reduces the risk of many diseases. It holds many other nutrients, including protein and lactose. Interspecies consumption of milk is not uncommon, particularly among humans, many of whom consume the milk of other mammals.
As an agricultural product, dairy milk is collected from farm animals. Dairy farms produced around 730 million tonnes of milk in 2011, from 260 million dairy cows. India is the world's largest producer of milk, and is the leading exporter of skimmed milk powder, yet it exports few other milk products. The ever-increasing rise in domestic demand for dairy products and a large demand-supply gap could lead to India being a net importer of dairy products in the future. New Zealand, Germany and the Netherlands are the largest exporters of milk products. China and Russia were the world's largest importers of milk and milk products until 2016 when both countries became self-sufficient, contributing to a worldwide glut of milk.
Throughout the world, more than six billion people consume milk and milk products. Between 750 and 900 million people live in dairy farming households. Humans first learned to consume the milk of other mammals regularly following the domestication of animals during the Neolithic Revolution or the development of agriculture. This development occurred independently in several global locations from as early as 9000–7000 BC in Mesopotamia to 3500–3000 BC in the Americas. People first domesticated the most important dairy animals – cattle, sheep and goats – in Southwest Asia, although domestic cattle had been independently derived from wild aurochs populations several times since.[40] Initially animals were kept for meat, and archaeologist Andrew Sherratt has suggested that dairying, along with the exploitation of domestic animals for hair and labor, began much later in a separate secondary products revolution in the fourth millennium BC. Sherratt's model is not supported by recent findings, based on the analysis of lipid residue in prehistoric pottery, that shows that dairying was practiced in the early phases of agriculture in Southwest Asia, by at least the seventh millennium BC.
From Southwest Asia domestic dairy animals spread to Europe (beginning around 7000 BC but did not reach Britain and Scandinavia until after 4000 BC), and South Asia (7000–5500 BC). The first farmers in central Europe and Britain milked their animals. Pastoral and pastoral nomadic economies, which rely predominantly or exclusively on domestic animals and their products rather than crop farming, were developed as European farmers moved into the Pontic-Caspian steppe in the fourth millennium BC, and subsequently spread across much of the Eurasian steppe. Sheep and goats were introduced to Africa from Southwest Asia, but African cattle may have been independently domesticated around 7000–6000 BC. Camels, domesticated in central Arabia in the fourth millennium BC, have also been used as dairy animals in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The earliest Egyptian records of burn treatments describe burn dressings using milk from mothers of male babies. In the rest of the world (i.e., East and Southeast Asia, the Americas and Australia) milk and dairy products were historically not a large part of the diet, either because they remained populated by hunter-gatherers who did not keep animals or the local agricultural economies did not include domesticated dairy species. Milk consumption became common in these regions comparatively recently, as a consequence of European colonialism and political domination over much of the world in the last 500 years.
As an agricultural product, dairy milk is collected from farm animals. Dairy farms produced around 730 million tonnes of milk in 2011, from 260 million dairy cows. India is the world's largest producer of milk, and is the leading exporter of skimmed milk powder, yet it exports few other milk products. The ever-increasing rise in domestic demand for dairy products and a large demand-supply gap could lead to India being a net importer of dairy products in the future. New Zealand, Germany and the Netherlands are the largest exporters of milk products. China and Russia were the world's largest importers of milk and milk products until 2016 when both countries became self-sufficient, contributing to a worldwide glut of milk.
Throughout the world, more than six billion people consume milk and milk products. Between 750 and 900 million people live in dairy farming households. Humans first learned to consume the milk of other mammals regularly following the domestication of animals during the Neolithic Revolution or the development of agriculture. This development occurred independently in several global locations from as early as 9000–7000 BC in Mesopotamia to 3500–3000 BC in the Americas. People first domesticated the most important dairy animals – cattle, sheep and goats – in Southwest Asia, although domestic cattle had been independently derived from wild aurochs populations several times since.[40] Initially animals were kept for meat, and archaeologist Andrew Sherratt has suggested that dairying, along with the exploitation of domestic animals for hair and labor, began much later in a separate secondary products revolution in the fourth millennium BC. Sherratt's model is not supported by recent findings, based on the analysis of lipid residue in prehistoric pottery, that shows that dairying was practiced in the early phases of agriculture in Southwest Asia, by at least the seventh millennium BC.
From Southwest Asia domestic dairy animals spread to Europe (beginning around 7000 BC but did not reach Britain and Scandinavia until after 4000 BC), and South Asia (7000–5500 BC). The first farmers in central Europe and Britain milked their animals. Pastoral and pastoral nomadic economies, which rely predominantly or exclusively on domestic animals and their products rather than crop farming, were developed as European farmers moved into the Pontic-Caspian steppe in the fourth millennium BC, and subsequently spread across much of the Eurasian steppe. Sheep and goats were introduced to Africa from Southwest Asia, but African cattle may have been independently domesticated around 7000–6000 BC. Camels, domesticated in central Arabia in the fourth millennium BC, have also been used as dairy animals in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The earliest Egyptian records of burn treatments describe burn dressings using milk from mothers of male babies. In the rest of the world (i.e., East and Southeast Asia, the Americas and Australia) milk and dairy products were historically not a large part of the diet, either because they remained populated by hunter-gatherers who did not keep animals or the local agricultural economies did not include domesticated dairy species. Milk consumption became common in these regions comparatively recently, as a consequence of European colonialism and political domination over much of the world in the last 500 years.
Milk क्षीरम् दुग्धम् - दूध वर संस्कृत निबंध - दूध पर संस्कृत निबंध - Sanskrit Essay on Milk
आयुर्वेदस्य अनुसारम् अस्य दुग्धस्य स्वभावः
एतत् दुग्धं पाके रुचौ च मधुरं स्निग्धं च । वातं पित्तं च शमयति । देहे कफं शीतं धातून् च वर्धयति । व्रणितानां, श्रान्तानां, दुर्बलानां, श्रमिकाणां च मेध्यं दुग्धम् । बलवर्धकं च ।
“स्वादु शीतं मृदु स्निग्धं बहुलं श्लक्ष्णपिच्चिलम् ।
गुरु मन्द प्रसन्नं च गव्यं दशगुणं पयः ॥
तदेव गुणमेवोजः सामान्यादभिवर्धयेत् ।
प्रवरं जीवनीयानां क्षीरमुक्तं रसायनम् ॥“ (चरकसूत्रम् २७-२१८)
शास्त्रकाराः अष्टविधं दुग्धं वदन्ति । अष्टानां प्राणिनां दुग्धस्य उपयोगं च वदन्ति । तत्रापि गोक्षीरं सर्वेषु अत्यन्तं श्रेष्ठम् इति ।१. आधुनिकस्य विज्ञानस्य अनुसारम् अपि दुग्धं परिपूर्णः आहारः । यतः दुग्धे प्रोटीन्, विटामिन्, बि काम्प्लेक्स्, केचन खनिजांशाः च महता प्रमाणेन सन्ति ।
२. अस्माकं शरीरे विद्यमानेषु सप्तधातुषु रसधातुवर्धकम् अस्ति दुग्धम् ।
३. ज्वरपीडितानाम् अग्रगण्यः पथ्याहारः दुग्धम् ।
४. दुग्धं शिरोभ्रमणं, शुष्ककासं, पिपासां, बुभुक्षां, मूत्रबाधां, रक्ततिक्तं च शमयति ।
५. प्रसूतिकासु क्षीरं वर्धयति दुग्धम् ।
६. दुग्धं बलवर्धकम् इति कारणात् व्रणितानां, श्रान्तानां, दुर्बलानां, श्रमिकाणां च मेध्यं दुग्धम् ।
७. कफवर्धकम् इत्यस्मात् कफरोगिणाम् अपथ्यं दुग्धम् ।
८. ताम्बूलसेवनात् पूर्वं परं च दुग्धं न सेवनीयम् ।
९. उष्णदुग्धे निम्बूकरसं योजयित्वा, अनन्तरं तस्य शोषणेन प्राप्यमाणः द्रवः अतिसाररोगार्थम् उत्तमम् औषधम् ।
१०. रात्रौ विद्यमानस्य शीतगुणस्य, तमोगुणस्य च कारणात् प्रातः प्राप्यमाणं दुग्धं पचनार्थं जडम् । उदरपीडां च जनयति ।
११. दिने गावः सर्वत्र चरन्ति, अटन्ति, आतपे भ्रमन्ति च । तस्मात् कारणात् सायं प्राप्यमाणं दुग्धं वातानुलोमम् । नेत्रस्य हितकरं, पथ्यं च । तृप्तिम् अपि जनयति ।
“प्रायः प्रभाविकं क्षीरं गुरु विष्टम्भि शीतलम् ।
वातानुलोमी श्रान्तिघ्नं चक्षुष्यं चापराह्निकम् ।“ (सुश्रुत.सू. ४५)
१२. प्राणिनाम् आहारस्य, विहारस्य, स्वभावस्य च भेदात् दुग्धस्य अपि स्वभावः परिवर्तते । उदाहरणार्थम् – अजक्षीरम् अजस्य स्वभावकारणतः पचनार्थं लघु, कटुविपाकं च । कफं, धातून्, मेधस् च न्यूनीकरोति ।१३. अधिका जीर्णशक्तिः अस्ति चेत्, निद्रा न आगच्छति चेत्, उष्णप्रकृतियुक्तानां च महिष्याः दुग्धं हितकरं भवति ।
१४. दोहनस्य अनन्तरं तथैव संस्थापितं दुग्धं जीर्णार्थं कठिनम् ।
१५. दोहनानन्तरम् उष्णीकृतं (धारोष्णम्) दुग्धम् अत्युत्तमम् ।
१६. अत्यन्तम् उष्णीकृतं दुग्धम् अपि गुरु भवति । पचनार्थं जडं भवति च ।
१७. दोहनानुक्षणम् उपयुज्यते चेत् तत् दुग्धम् अमृतसमं भवति ।
१८. क्षीरेण सह लवणयुक्तः, आम्लयुक्तः वा आहारः सर्वथा न सेवनीयः ।
१९. कदलीफलेन सह अपि दुग्धं न सेवनीयम् ।
२०. दुग्धेन सह कुळित्थः, माषः, तुवरी, मूलकं, लकुचं, लशुनं, श्वेततुलसी, वन्यतुलसी इत्यादयः आहारपदार्थाः उपयुक्ताः चेत् कुष्ठादयः धातुदूषिताः व्याधयः भवन्ति ।
२१. धेनूनां वर्णानुसारं कपिलवर्णस्य धेनोः दुग्धं पथ्यतरम् ।
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