सर्पः - SNAKE - saanp - साँप पर संस्कृत निबंध - ( Sanskrit Essay on SNAKE )

1) A snake is reptile which does not have legs but it can move from one place to another by crawling.

2) Snakes are vertebrates which mean they have backbone in their body.

3) A snake has a long, slim and flexible body with scaly skin.

4) Snake’s eyes do not move and it does not have common eye lid.

5) Some types of snakes have a special gap or pit located near their eyes which helps to detect even a small change in temperature.

6) Snakes don’t have ears but have an ear bone called ‘Columella’ to detect vibrations.

7) Snakes have long forked tongue which is used to detect food in nearby place or to stay away from their enemies.

8) The skin of the snake is made up of many layers of scale which is the thin flat layers of skin to protect a reptile.

9) Snakes grow throughout their life and they shed out their old skin as a routine process of their growth.

10) Snakes can be found in almost all parts of the world except New Zealand and Ireland.
सर्पः - SNAKE

सर्पः भूचरः अस्ति |
सः बिले वसति |
तस्य पादाः न सन्ति |
सः जिव्ह्या संवेदनाज्ञानं करोति | 
सः मण्डूकान् भक्षयति | 
सः कृषीवलस्य उपकारकः | 
सर्पाणां निर्विषाः विषकारिणः च इति द्वौ प्रकारौ | 
नागः मण्यारः घोणसः च इत्यादयः प्रकाराः विषकारकाः | 
सर्पाणां विषम् औषधकार्यार्थम् उपयुज्यते |  
भारतीयाः नागान्  पवित्रं मन्यते | 
श्रावणमासस्य पञ्यमदिनः 'नागपञ्यमीदिनः' वर्तते | 
एतास्मिन् अवसरे नार्यः नागेन्द्रं लाजादिभिः पूजयन्ति | 
तं दुग्धम् अर्पयन्ति च | 
पुण्यपत्तने कात्रजविभागे प्रसिद्धं सर्पैौद्यानं वर्तते |


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