जलम् - Water - paanee- पानी पर संस्कृत निबंध - ( Sanskrit Essay on Water )

Water, the very reason for the existence of living beings on earth, constitutes of more than 70% of the planet. Water is that magical liquid, that provides life to animals, plants, trees, bacteria and viruses. Water is the very reason why earth can support life and other planets cannot.

Up to 60% of the human body is made up of water. While there is an abundance of water on the planet, not everything can be consumed by human beings and animals. It is unfortunate that only 3% of the water on earth is freshwater, which is portable and safe to consume.

Water, the pivotal ingredient in the essence of life, is the most important non-renewable resource, other than oxygen, for life to exist and thrive on our planet. Water which makes up almost one-third of the face of the planet has only 2.75% to 3.1% of fresh after that can actually be used by human beings, animals and plants.

This small percentage of fresh water is used by all living beings for their growth and survival. Plants and trees use it to for photosynthesis to grow. Animals and human beings use water to drink and bathe every day. Hence, judicious use of after should be followed since water is non-renewable and depleting at an ever-increasing rate. At this rate, water will become redundant for future generations, which is to say that life will become non-existent on earth. Experts say that those unimaginable days are not very far from us if we don’t use water with responsibility.

Water that is present in oceans and seas, that is saltwater, is not consumable by human beings and land animals. But this water acts as a lifeline for certain aquatic life.

जलम् - Water

जलम् ( ( शृणु) /ˈdʒələm/) (हिन्दी: जल, आङ्ग्ल: Water) एव जीवनम् इति उक्त्यनुसारम् अस्माकं जीवने जलस्य आवश्यकता वर्तते । जीवनाय जलम् आवश्यकं वर्तते । तृष्णायां सत्यां जलेन एव निवारणं भवति । पृथिव्याः जीवानां कृते आवश्यकं तत्त्वम् अस्ति जलम् । अस्माकं सौभाग्यम् अस्ति यत् पृथिवी जलीयः ग्रहः वर्तते । जलं सौरमण्डले दुर्लभं वर्तते । अन्यत्र कुत्रापि जलं नास्ति । पृथिव्यां जलं पर्याप्तम् अस्ति । अतः पृथिवी नीलग्रहः (Blue Planet ) इति उच्यते । जलं निरन्तरं स्वरूपं परिवर्तते । सूर्यस्य तापेन वाष्पस्वरूपं, शीतले सति सङ्घनीकरणे मेघस्वरूपं, वर्षामाध्यमेन जलस्वरूपं धरति । जलं महासागरेषु, वायुमण्डले, पृथिव्यां च परिभ्रमति । जलस्य तत्परिभ्रमणं जलचक्रं कथ्यते ।

अस्माकं पृथिवी स्थलशाला इव अस्ति । अलवणस्य जलस्य मुख्यं स्रोतः नदी, तडागः, हिमनदी च वर्तते । महासागराणां, समुद्राणां च जलं लावण्यं वर्तते । तस्मिन् जले सोडियम् क्लोराइड्, पाचकलवणं च प्राप्यते ।


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